
한인변호사 협회가 브리즈번에서 처음으로 Korean Professionals Night을 개최합니다

Sun Admin
2024.11.04 20:37 328 0



티켓 구매 링크https://buytickets.at/koreanaustralianlawyersassociation/1454223

This event is open to all Korean professionals in Queensland, not just lawyers. 


Wrap up the year in style at KALA Queensland’s End-of-Year Bash! Join us as we take over Brisbane’s favorite rooftop for a night of unbeatable views, great company, and a celebration like no other. Mingle with fellow Korean professionals, laugh till you spill your drink, and take in the dazzling cityscape of Brisbane as it lights up the night sky.


Date: Thursday, 28 November 2024
Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Venue: Sixteen Antlers Rooftop Bar, Brisbane City


What to Expect:

  • Unlimited Drinks – Enjoy a 4-hour beverage package.
  • Canapés – A delicious selection served throughout the evening.
  • Photo Booth – Capture memories with friends and colleagues.
  • Raffle Prizes – Exciting opportunities to win!


Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to unwind, socialize, and celebrate with the Korean professional community in Brisbane.




Sixteen Antlers Rooftop Bar

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