[Sunshine Coast] Wara Sushi Sunshine Plaza
2025.03.19 09:08
Contract Details: Casual Position: Cook / Roll Maker
Casual Pay Rate (Hourly):
Introductory Level (First 3 months):
- Weekdays: $29.33/hr
- Weekends: $35.19/hr
- Public Holidays: $58.65/hr
Level 1 (Automatic increase after 3 months):
- Weekdays: $30.13/hr
- Weekends: $36.15/hr
- Public Holidays: $60.25/hr
Note: An additional 11% superannuation is paid.
If you are interested, please send your resume along with a brief cover letter with the following details to the email below:
- Name:
- Age:
- Contact Number:
- Visa Type and Expiry Date (If a citizen, please write 'Citizen'):
- Position Applying For:
Application Email: sunshineplaza@warasushi.com.au
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