
[부나] 브리즈번 한시간 거리 - 야채 팩킹 공장 Kalfresh에서 인원을 모집합니다.

2021.07.27 16:18 2,869 0


Kalfresh is hiring! Come and join us in the beautiful Scenic Rim.

Only one hours drive to Brisbane and an hour and a half to the Gold Coast

ü  Looking for 6-8 People for various work areas/roles (mostly sorting for female and packing for male)

ü  Piece rate average $27-$30/hr for last 4weeks; fall back hourly rate is from $25.41  

ü  Gross pay average $1507/week for last 4weeks (We will get busier season soon.)

ü  Average 50-60 hours / week (daily 8-11 hours Mon - Sat)

ü  Also looking for people can work in Onion, Bean, Corn from October, November.

As an eligible employer, we can assist workers to obtain the #pickqld BONUS; that’s $1,500 paid by the QLD government to eligible workers after your first 98 days.

All workers qualify for 2nd & 3rd year working holiday visa and, for those that need it, we can help you obtain the 408 Pandemic Visa.

Work is indoors with regular, consistent, shifts in a clean, friendly and hygienic environment. Kalfresh is a multinational workplace, with the majority of workers being South Korean and Taiwanese nationals.

아래 양식에 맞춰 기본정보를 주시면 적합한 파트와 숙소를 검토 후 빠르게 연락드리겠습니다.

§  Name/Gender (이름/성별): 

§  Phone (전화번호): 

§  Visa type/Expiry date (비자상태/만료일자):

§  Current location (현재 계시는 지역): 

§  Car (Yes/No) (차량소지 유무):

§  Need an accommodation (Yes/No) (숙소 필요 유무):

§  Available for night shift (normally 5pm-3am, 야간근무 가능여부) (Yes/No):

§  Available date to start ( 시작 가능 날짜):

§  Nationality (국적):

** 숙소는 필요로 하신 분들에게만 제공하고 있으며, 21실 기준으로 숙소의 컨디션에 따라 주에 130-150불 사이입니다.

아래 이메일로 보내주세요, 한글로 적어주셔도 괜찮습니다. 혹은 카카오톡 오픈채팅에서 프로필 검색 후에 톡으로 보내주셔도 됩니다.

Email address:    working.holiday@kalfresh.com.au

카카오톡 오픈 프로필: Admin4309   (카카오톡 오픈채팅으로 들어가셔서 프로필 검색으로 찾으시면 됩니다.)


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