[Townsville] Boilermaker, Welder, Fitter wanted (TSS, ENS supoort)
2022.01.04 11:51
AQNP ENC Pty Ltd (www.aqnp.com.au)
Established in 2012 and with operations nationally, AQNP ENC is the industry experts in the provision of project management, mechanical maintenance & shutdown, metal fabrication, welding resource supply and other industrial services.
Location: Townsville
Duty: Various mechanical maintenance work at our clients' sites, Metal fabrication work at our workshop
Hourly rate: $40 - $70 (Depends on work experience), Accommodation provided(1person/1room)
We can support TSS and ENS visa if applicant meets our criteria.
Please forward your resume or CV to below email address for application.
Thank you
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