
[2zone] Runcorn - Seeking One Tenant for a Private Room in a House (Air Condit…

2024.09.15 16:33 892 0



We are looking for one person to rent a private room in a house located in Runcorn. 

(The address is Calliope Street, Runcorn.)


The room is equipped with air conditioning.

The bathroom and shower are separate to ensure convenience. 

There are two refrigerators and ample storage space, and a rice cooker is provided.


Parking is available on the street in front of the house. 

You can take Bus 150 to reach the city and Garden City, with a bus stop just 2-3 minutes for walking distance.


The internet is unlimited with NBN, and CCTV is installed around the house for security.


$225 per week
2 weeks deposit & 2 weeks notice required
Minimum stay: 3 months


If you are interested, please contact us at:

0413 887 106



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