[2존] St Lucia 여성전용 2인 커플룸 190$
2024.04.29 09:05
It’s couples room for2 girls
- Couples room $190 per week/ person (bills not included). Bond 4 weeks
Minimum 6 months for rental
- Location: 5/54 Durham St, St Lucia QLD 4067
- Very well connect with UQ ( University of Queensland)
- Private room with air conditioner, shared bathroom with balcony and parking space.
- The property is fully furnished
제 지인이 같이살 하우스메이트를 구합니.
St Lucia 에있는 집이고 여성 2인용 방이에요 (이미 살고계시는 분도 여성분들 입니다).
관심있으신분들은 영어로 문자 부탁드립니다:
0422 100 638
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