
Bardox Boomba - Detoxifying, Beauty, Diet

2019.12.11 19:59 4,915 0


BARDOX N BOOMBA is derived from a recipe originated from Italy, manufactured by GMP and HACCP authorized companies, a health beverage manufactured using 100% natural ingredients which adheres to all hygiene and safety standards. BOOMBA’s industry nickname is “the king of decomposition” and “the magical hangover cure”. It is a product which combines both primary functions of decomposition and liver-protection into one, and capable of decomposing starch, alcohol and fat. Moreover, BOOMBA can protect our livers with high effectiveness, dispel the effect of alcohol, soothe hangover, as well as being useful in body slimming.
The components of BOOMBA comprised of all-natural ingredients, which are specifically curated for individuals who like to stay up late and in suboptimal health status, keeping the body functional at optimal rate from within the body.
Main functions: Decompose starch, decompose alcohol, decompose fat, protect liver, dispel the effect of alcohol (sober up), body slimming

IF YOU’RE INTERESTED, add me on wechat - annannyeong

BARDOX N BOOMBA 源自於法國配方,並由馬來西亞GMP 和 HACCP 標準化工廠製造,是一款全天然成分製造的健康飲料,絕對符合安全及衛生標準。BOOMBA 號稱分解大王 + 醒酒神器,它結合了分解和護肝兩大主要功效,能達到促進澱粉、脂肪、蛋白質和酒精分解的效果。另外,BOOMBA能有效保護肝臟、醒酒、緩解宿醉,並且達到塑身的效果。
BOOMBA 採用全天然成分,專為亞健康及熬夜族群而設,由內保養身體機能。

有興趣者可以加我微信 -annannyeong

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