[Brisbane] Komo Sushi 东区(Tingalpa)寿司店诚聘厨房帮工
Komo Sushi (Tingalpa- East side of Brisbane) is hiring kitchen staff ! (东区寿司店诚聘厨房帮工--需要英文,店内有不同国家员工)
We are very close to Wynnum. Driving from SunnyBank around 25mins. (距离南区SunnyBank开车大概25分钟,公车(Bus)大概需要一个小时左右)
We are looking for hot food kitchen staff. Working hour from 8:45am to 7:45pm/8:00pm. We offer free lunch during break time. We need kitchen staff can work Monday, Friday and Saturday or Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. (Compliance with Australian statutory casual rate pay standards). (需要一周能做3天左右,周一,周五跟周六或者周三,周五跟周六,每天大概10个小时工时,提供免费午餐,按照澳洲法定要求支付工钱跟养老金,周六也按照法定要求支付)
Main duties include dishwashing, can use knife chopping chicken, can deep fried chicken and clean kitchen. If you work hard, you'll get a pay raise.
We prefer experienced people. However, we also accept Cookery/other students (with student Visa) if you like kitchen job. We will teach you step by step.
Please send a simple resume via text or email
Phone: 0493723872
Email: kjobapp@hotmail.com
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