
[Brisbane] Redhole18 Creative Design Company Recruitment Sales!!!!/Redhole18 設計公司…

2021.07.20 14:34 1,632 2


#招聘Full-time/Part-time 销售(Sales Consultant)#
媒体、地产、广告等经验优先。需有较强的沟通协作能力,思维敏捷,能准确把握产品优势和客户心理,有效整合内外部资源,提升销售业绩。 关于本职位: ①负责售前服务,开发布里斯班广告创意设计市场,通过电话、实地拜访客户,收集销售线索,开发潜在客户,并成功销售。
⑤做售后反馈,为公司的整体销售决策提供参考。 薪资待遇: 行业内优等薪资,丰富的薪酬计划,包含基本工资,佣金上不封顶。完善的晋升机制,让您拥有广阔的职业前景。 本公司广纳贤士,欢迎各位有志之士加入团队。良好的工作环境让你在工作中真正感受到家庭般的温暖。

公司地址:308 Bradman St, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
聯係電話:0466637602 (Don)

#Sales Consultant# 1. Responsible for developing Brisbane advertising creative design market, visiting customers by phone or face-to-face, collecting sales leads, developing potential customers, and successfully selling 2. Maintain and manage customers, improve customer loyalty, and strive for more sales 3. Responsible for sales team management, sales skills training, and improve sales team's sales ability 4. Cooperate with professional customer service to complete the execution of advertising creative design orders 5. Collect the information and market trends of the advertising creative design industry in time to provide a reference for the overall sales decision of the superior About you: 1. More than 2 years of sales work experience, those with direct sales experience in advertising companies, media, Internet companies and other industry brands are preferred; 2. Has a sensitive business and market awareness, strong business analysis and problem solving skills; 3. Strong communication and collaboration ability, quick thinking, able to accurately grasp product advantages and customer psychology, and efficiently integrate internal and external resources to promote sales performance; 4. With entrepreneurial attributes, high passion and hard work spirit, strong career ambition, strong desire to pursue career success, willing to accept challenges; 5. Be proficient in operating office software; 6. Understanding Chinese are preferred (non-essential conditions)
Company address: 308 Bradman St, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
Contact Number: 0466637602 (Don)
Please do not hesitate to send us Resume(CV) to Redhole1899@gmail.com  Thank you!

댓글목록 2

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