
[Brisbane] Are you doing massage and finding your own place to work yourself?

2019.09.16 21:33 3,719 0





Are you doing massage and work for somebody?


This may be a good chance for you to work your own. Working holiday visa, student visa, permanent residences, and etc, your visa condition is not a matter at all as long as you are staying legally.


I have been renting a house for massage business near Brisbane city about 7 minutes driving from CBD. It has 2 massage rooms and 1 extra room, so you can work yourself or with another person. It is house based home business, targeting mainly men customers. But how you decide to operate is totally up to you after you take it over. The massage place is ready to go as it is still operating for massage services. You have no single dollar to add to run the business.


You also don’t need to worry of landlord and neighbours to complain for running business at home because this place has been running for about 4 years now, and landlord is very respectable person and acknowledges of the place is being used for massage services. Neighbours respect the landlord and they also know this place is doing massages so nobody complains.


The lease will be done directly with the land lord without lock-in contract. As long as you pay the rent on time, landlord is happy to continue the lease. No routine inspection on the property, no interruptions.


I am looking at $5,000 for this place to hand over to somebody. There is $1,500 bond fees which will be held by RTA. Weekly rent is $410. The house is old Queensland house, not a commercial shop, so if you are looking at shops or modern places, you may pass this.


Or I have another option that you can actually rent one massage room out for $300 a week including bills (electricity, gas and internet). The room is fully set up as massage room already. This case, you are working for yourself but you will need to advertise yourself to get customers.


Don’t let this opportunity to go. Now you can try your own business without hassles.


Please send me a message first as I am normally working. I can call you back when I am free.


Please send me message with following information if you don’t mind : your name, nationality(just to communicate easier), and which option you want? Option1(Taking whole place over) or Option2(Renting 1 room).

0449 673 670

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