
[Others] single room or double room in Bundaberg

2024.10.10 19:05 514 0



We have one single/double room to share in the house (which is quiet, clean and tidy) with a parking space. Our house is located near shopping centres, which are within 3 – 4 minutes’ walk.

We would strongly recommend to you that you come and have a look at the room you want to share before deciding on it, if interested.

[Note] Bundaberg is a nice agricultural area for sweet potatoes, watermelon, chilli pepper, capsicum, macadamia, strawberry, lemon, tomatoes, avocado, ginger, etc. And CQU (Central Queensland University) and TAFE are located in Bundaberg, so permanent visa-related subjects (after your tentative consultation with Education Centre) are studied and then are successfully connected with jobs here and elsewhere in Australia.

Mobile Phone: 0426 288 224 (enquiry or text messages possible)


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