
[2zone] Mansfield _2min to State High, 10 min to Garden City _Full reno_Pool, …

2024.09.09 07:54 913 0


Mansfield _2min to State High, 10 min to Garden City _Full reno_Pool, Spa, BBQ




Looking for a single or couple


Various room size

Everything is new and clean_Full renovation!


Beautiful subsidiary facilities as below:

Pool with waterfall

BBQ, Spar

Solar Energy

Central air-conditioning and heating system on the 1st floor

Individual air conditioner on the ground level

Alarming and security system

Touch light

An open glass living room on the ground level and first floor


6 rooms l 3 Bathroom l 4 Car park l 3 Kitchen


No regret!

Contact number: 0487 337 554 (text preferred)

댓글목록 0

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